Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 in the resolution entitled ‘Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Consisting of 17 SDGs and 169 targets, the agenda creates a blueprint to create a more inclusive and prosperous future for all people. Every country has a unique approach and vision to achieve sustainable development through collaboration between civil society, the private sector, and government organizations.

SDGs center around the principle of “leaving no one behind” and feature a cross-cutting focus on inclusiveness and addressing inequalities. Therap Global firmly believes in the principle of inclusion and provides the tools to help Persons with Disabilities receive high quality personalized support to become better integrated into their communities.

How Therap Global helps in achieving SDGs

Improving Health Care

A fundamental human right, good health and well-being is necessary for children to attend school and adults to maintain employment. In addition to improving health indicators like global mortality rates and prevalence of communicable diseases, SDG 3 calls for “access to quality essential health-care services… for all.” Therap Global strives to improve the quality of health care provided to persons with disabilities, who are too frequently unaccounted for in the health-care system. Therap’s software includes various modules to track and report different types of health data, providing a flexible way to record and follow up on medical issues such as vital signs, seizures, infections, medication history, and more. These tools help service providers offer personalized support to improve the physical and mental health related care they can provide.

Facilitating Inclusive Education for children with special needs

In promoting high quality education for all, SDG 4 targets “equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities” and “education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive.” Inclusive education, where students from all backgrounds learn in the same environment, breaks down stigmas and ensures that all students have an equitable chance to acquire knowledge and skills. For students with special learning needs, personalized lesson plans are essential for their success in inclusive classrooms. Therap Global’s Individual Education Plan/Individual Support Plan module lets teachers document and track students’ academic progress, helping them create person-centered lesson plans that can be effectively implemented. Additionally, Therap’s online and onsite trainings improve teachers’ capacity to fulfill SDG 4 and provide high quality, inclusive education for all students.

Promoting economic inclusion of persons with disabilities

SDG 8 promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. One target specifically highlights the need to improve the average hourly earnings and unemployment rates for persons with disabilities. Achieving economic inclusion is necessary for persons with disabilities to advance their social and political inclusion as well. Therap Global’s employment history module helps track and measure the job experience, skills, training, milestones, and more for persons with disabilities, enabling support agencies to know what skills to help develop and determine what job placements are a best match for their capabilities.

Providing measure against the impacts of climate change

SDG 13 is a call to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,” including improving the “resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.” As nature becomes increasingly unpredictable, the risk of storing records solely on paper rises. This is especially significant for care providers, who are responsible for tracking immunizations, medications, and other health information that can endanger peoples’ lives if the records are destroyed. Therap Global protects data from the climate by storing information in the cloud to ensure that records can be securely accessed from any location.

Improving accountability and enhancing collaboration to build partnerships

A critical component of SDG 17, which calls for building partnerships to achieve sustainable development, is increasing the quality of “data, monitoring, and accountability.” These three factors are essential in ensuring that resources, including funding, staffing, and materials, are properly allocated to maximize their impact. Tracking the progress of persons with disabilities helps care providers offer the most effective support possible. Therap’s oversight capability and real time access to data for families, supervisors and auditors boosts organizational accountability across all levels.

Furthermore, Therap Global organizes conferences, user groups and information sessions at regional, national and international levels. These provide relevant stakeholders and organizations opportunities to share their experiences and develop best practices together. These partnerships raise awareness regarding issues faced by persons with disabilities to achieve social, economic, and political development.