Enter Respiratory Treatment

The Therap Health Tracking Respiratory Treatment module allows the users to enter details of Pulse, Respiration Rate, Oxygen Saturation and Lung Sounds before and after a respiratory treatment.

Users will need the HT Submit role to enter Respiratory Treatment information for individuals.

1. Click on the New link beside the Respiratory Treatment option under the Health tab.

ISP program on therap dashboard

2. Select a program from the ‘Select Program For Respiratory Treatment’ page.

select program from isp program list

3. Select your preferred Individual from the Individual List.

select program from isp program list

Respiratory Treatment page will be opened to enter information.

select program from isp program list

4. On the ‘Respiratory Treatment‘ page, enter the required information in the ‘General Information’ section.

select program from isp program list

5.  You can enter information in the Respiratory Treatment Information section. You can change the Event Time according to your needs. Information regarding the Pulse, Respiration Rates and Oxygen Saturation can be also entered.  The normal ranges for ‘Pulse’, ‘Respiration Rates’, ‘Oxygen Saturation’ are shown under each text field.

select program from isp program list

For the entered values that are out of range, it will show a warning mentioning: The value entered is not within the normal range for ‘Specific’ Treatment. Click on the Ok button to continue submitting the form.

select program from isp program list

Lung Sounds can be entered if needed.

select program from isp program list

6. Click on the Save or Submit button once you are done entering the required information. If you save the form you will be able to locate it from your Worklist for 30 days.

select program from isp program list

A confirmation message will show upon successfully submitting the form.

select program from isp program list

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