After we had our initial discussion with Mr. Jowaherul Islam Mamun, we had another pleasant introductory session with the staff and management of SWID. The teachers, therapists, along with the principal of SWID Laboratory Model School, were also present at the session. SWID Laboratory Model School is the leading school under SWID. The model of this school is being replicated in different branches of SWID in Bangladesh. It will be the first school under SWID, in which Therap will be implemented. It was a very lively session, in which the basic concept of Therap was explained to the attendees. The attendees were also very interactive. They explained the current work flow, and how Therap will be able to help them. It was very encouraging for us to see, how schools and institutions in the Intellectual Disabilities field in developing countries in Asia, are adopting the new technologies in the field. We are expecting to start the implementation with SWID within a short period.