Tahmina Huq, a special education teacher from Singapore was in Bangladesh. She did a workshop on ‘Sensory Diet and Daily Activities’ in Dhaka and Chittagong. The workshop in Dhaka was organized at PFDA (Parents’ Forum for Differently Abled) Center. The workshop was attended by Ms. Sanjida Rahman Danny, President of PFDA, parents of person with disability and educators from other special schools all over Dhaka. Prattay Iqbal, International Business Development and Ashiqur Rahman, Training and Implementation Specialist from Therap also attended the workshop. 

It was an informative workshop and was catered to answer the question most of the parents have. It was an interactive session which included fun games a person with disability can play and learn at the same time.

The workshop in Chittagong took place in Spectra School and was attended by parents of person with disability and teachers from other special school.

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