Agency Wide and Administrative Roles

Agency Wide and Administrative Roles are the roles which allows a Therap user to perform different administrative tasks or allows access to different modules in the system.

Other privileges are assigned through Super Roles. To know more about Super Role click here.

Users with the User Privilege Administrative Role will be able to assign appropriate roles to Users.

1. Click on Manage beside User Privileges from the Admin tab.

ISP program on therap dashboard

2. Select the User from the User List for whom you want to assign roles.

select program from isp program list

Administrative Roles can be found under the User Privilege page.

select program from isp program list

The description for each Administrative Role, and what it allows a user to do in the system, is given below.

Administrative Roles

Super Admin Allows users to assign the ‘Super Admin’ role to other users (with the ‘User Privilege’ role), update Super Admin privileges (with the ‘User Privilege’ role), reset password for Super Admins (with the ‘Reset Password’ role), Force or Disable Two Factor Authentication for Super Admins (with the ‘User’ role), Audit Secure Communications (SComm) messages, Access Report Library and Staff Report, and receive notifications for the Provider Administration and User modules.
User Create user, Edit user Information, Activate/Deactivate users, Lock/Unlock users, Enable/Disable Self Password Reset for users, Import users from Excel.
IDF Admin Allows Individual Intake, Edit Individual Data, Update and Change the status of IDFs, Add Individual(s) to Program, Import Individual from Excel. Add, Update, View Advance Directives, Allergies, Assessment Scores, and Diagnoses, Individual Contact.
Provider Setup Allows users to access the Provider Preference, Custom Field,Gender Configuration, GER Event Category Rule, IDF Provider Configuration, Individual Home Page, Provider Custom Message, Password Policy, Program, Shared Contact Type, Site, Super Role and Titles options on the Admin tab.
Broadcast Admin Allows users to access the Splash Message and Signup Agreement options on the Admin tab.
Clinical Admin Allows users to have access to the Case Note Template, Individual Plan,Location Library, Questionnaire on the Admin tab.
HT Admin Access Consultation Form Configuration, Intake/Elimination Provider Configuration, and Intake/Elimination Individual Configuration options on the Admin tab.
Activity Tracking Allows staff members to track any sort of activity done on the Therap forms by any user in the agency.
Admin Report Allows users to view reports on Individuals’ Demographic Information under Agency Reports
Caseload Allows users to create new Caseload and to access the list of Caseloads and archived Caseloads.
User Privilege Allows users to edit privileges, Admin Role Assignments, search archived user privilege.
Shared Contact Allows users to create new Shared Contact, view list of Shared Contacts, reassign Shared Contacts.
Reset Password Allows a user to reset password for other users.
Scoring Method Allows a user to access the ISP Program Scoring Method option on the Admin tab, Define new Scoring Methods in ISP Programs and ISP Program Templates, Edit customized Scoring Methods in In Prep and Pending Approval ISP Programs and Draft ISP Program Templates.
Assessment  & Screening Admin Search for Assessment & Screening documents and recalculate Assessment scores.

Module Roles

ISP Data Dashboard Generate agency wide ISP Data Dashboard.
T-Log Program Access Create and view Program based T-Logs from the usual ‘Create T-Log without an Individual’ link after selecting the Program for the T-Log (if Program based T-Logs are enabled within provider preferences).
ISP Program Template Submit Create (Save) new ISP Program Templates, Apply Approved ISP Program Templates for Individuals, View, Delete, and Copy Draft ISP Program Templates; View and Copy Approved ISP Program Templates; View Deleted ISP Program Templates; View Global ISP Program Templates.
ISP Program Template Approve Create (Save) new ISP Program Template, Approve ISP Program Templates, Delete or Discontinue ISP Program Templates, View and Import Global ISP Program Templates  from the Global Template Library.
ISP Program Template View View ISP Program Templates, View Global ISP Program Templates.
Report Library Access to Report Library, which includes agency-wide Excel reports.
Assigned Report View Allows users to be assigned ‘User Assignable Reports’ from the Report Library, which they will be able to generate without having access to all the reports in the Report Library.
Provider Questionnaire Form Submit Save and Submit Questionnaire Forms, Search existing Questionnaire Forms.
Provider Questionnaire Form Update Search and Update Questionnaire Forms in ‘In Prep’ and ‘Submitted’ status.
Provider Questionnaire Form View Search and View Questionnaire Forms, add signature and download attachments from Questionnaire Forms.
Behavior Create, Edit, Discontinue, and Delete Behavior/Antecedent/Intervention Categories and Behavior/Antecedent/Intervention(s), View and Edit Behavior Intensity Configuration.

SComm Roles

Enable Full SComm Exchange SComm messages (General/ Individual Care) type with staff within an agency. Receive offline reports.
Individual Care SComm Send Only Receive General type SComm message and send and receive Individual Care type SComm message for individuals in caseloads.
Enable Limited SComm Exchange SComm messages (General/ Individual Care) type only within the members of the Custom user Group. Receive offline reports.

Common Roles

Enable 13 Months Search (T-Log, GER) Allows User to search beyond 13 months and also search using a date range of up to 13 months if search is narrowed down using individual name or Form ID.
Create Data on Inactive Individuals Allows Users to create new forms for Discharged or Deceased Individuals.
 Access to Multi-Individual Event View linked GERs in read-only mode.
Export Excel Allows User to download Excel files from the search result pages in the system.
Signature Delete Delete signatures added by other users in Individual Plan, Approved ISP Programs, and view Deleted signatures in Questionnaire Forms.

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