Therap Global team along with Therap experts from USA, software engineers and James M. Kelly, Vice Chairman of Therap visited Yayasan Sayap Ibu Cabang Provinsi Banten on September 2018. Yayasan Sayap Ibu Cabang Provinsi Banten is providing supports to the children with intellectual and developmental disabilities including the residential facilities. They are now using Therap for almost two years. They use it to document daily progress and health information of the children at school. We are continuously providing online trainings to them.

We met with the administrators, teachers, therapists and other staff members of the school. We got the opportunity to see different types of activities at their agency and learned how they are serving Persons with Disabilities (PWD). It was a great experience for the software engineers to see how the agency was using Therap for enhancing the quality of support.

One of the amazing part of the visit was when we got to participate in an activity called ‘Wheelchair Dance’ with the children and other teachers of the school. We had a great time with the teachers and children of the school. We hope to visit Yayasan Sayap Ibu Cabang Provinsi Banten again in the future and continue working together.

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