Activity Tracking
The Activity Tracking application keeps logs of the operations performed by staff in the Therap system. It helps in auditing and monitoring of the services provided to individuals and the data created, read, updated, and deleted within the system. The logs are also date and time stamped. This security option lets you find out who has been using the system, when they were using it, and for what purposes.
Users with the Activity Tracking Administrative Role are able to access the Activity Tracking module.
1. Starting on the Admin tab click on View beside Activity Tracking.

2. On the Activity Tracking Search page, you may enter different search parameters. Only the date range is a required field on this page. Entering more search parameters will result in a narrower search, whereas keeping search fields empty will display a broader search result. After entering necessary search parameters, click on the Search button.

3. The Activity Tracking Search results will display the first 10,000 records matching the search criteria.