Create New T-Log

Users with the T-Log Entry role can create T-Logs.

1. Click on Individual tab from Dashboard

2. Click on the New link beside T-Log

select program from isp program list

3. Select a Program from the Select Program For T-Log page

4. Click on the Name of the Individual for whom the T-Log will be created.

After selecting an individual T-Log Page will appear.


  • Select the Type of T-Log by clicking on the checkbox. Multiple checkboxes can be selected, but it is required that you select at least one. The T-log type can be helpful in future searches.
  • Select the appropriate Notification Level of High, Medium, or Low based on the importance of the information.


  • Enter a brief summary or headline for the T-Log in the Summary field.
  • Write the main content of the T-Log in the Description field.

7. Click on the clock icon beside the Time in and Time out sections to mention the time range of the information.  (The Time In/Time Out feature is optional, and can be enabled from the T-Log section within Provider “Preferences” available on the admin tab.) 

8. The T-log module has several optional fields and features that you may choose to complete:

  • The system automatically includes the user’s name as the creator of the T-Log.  You can type the name of the reporter in the Reporter section if the information is reported by any other user. 
  • The system automatically records the date that you complete the T-log but you may Click on the Calendar icon beside Reported on section to select the date of the report.

The system automatically records the time you complete the T-log, but you may Click on the Clock icon  below the calendar to select time of the report.

9. You also have the optional features to add a document or photo to the T-log. 

  • You may Click on the Add File or Scan File button beside Document Attachment to attach a file.
  • You may Click on the Add Image button beside Photo to attach a picture.

N: B: Maximum size of file and photo should be 3 mb.

10. If all the necessary fields are filled up, click on the Submit button at the bottom right corner of the form.

11. After clicking on the submit button, a success message will be displayed.

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