Therap Global Team had conducted an onsite meeting with the Speaking Exercises and Education for Disability Society (SEEDS) in Khulna, Bangladesh. The meeting was led by Md. Tanvir Mahabub, Training and Implementation Specialist of the Therap Global Team. The Executive Director of SEEDS, Mr. Shah Tariuquel Islam was a key participant at the meeting. 

Tanvir began the meeting with an overview of Therap including how Therap marks its global presence through the Therap software that supports electronic documentation and recording of healthcare services provided to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. He gave a brief explanation of how SEEDS can utilize the Therap software for their benefits. Furthermore, he demonstrated some of the beneficial modules of the Therap software such as the IDF, Demographic Report, ISP Program, ISP Data and the generation of ISP Reports.

Speaking Exercises and Education for Disability Society (SEEDS) is an organization that runs therapy and medical support activities for the development of children with hearing impairment, autism, and physical disability. Activities undertaken by this organization include speech therapy, physiotherapy, alphabet education, and other medical support activities. SEEDS designs and implements alphabet education for children of ages 5 to 9. The high effectiveness of SEEDS’ alphabet education program is evident as a significant number of children are able to progress to receiving mainstream education after receiving the initial support from this program. SEEDS consists of 5 specialized therapists who provide medical support to approximately 38 individuals with disabilities.

The onsite meeting with SEEDS went remarkably well as there were great communication and knowledge exchange between the members of Therap Global and the SEEDS. The therapists and other staff members at the SEEDS expressed how useful it is to have an electronic system that documents the activities and progress of individuals with disabilities. Alongside this, our team member also received a tour of the SEEDS and had the opportunity to observe the different therapy services available there. We had the pleasure of getting to know the SEEDS organization and interacting with them closely. We look forward to extending this interaction further and working with them more in the future.

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